Advertise with WPA

Looking to reach Wisconsin psychiatrists? Advertise electronically through the Wisconsin Psychiatric Association. Contact the WPA Office or Fill Out the Form below to reserve your advertising space today

Quarterly Advertising: Website Homepage and E-News

Reserve your home-page advertising space today! Your ad or logo, hyperlinked to the URL of your choice, will appear on the homepage of and will be included in the left sidebar of monthly e-newsletters sent to all WPA members. Advertising guidelines and specifications:

  • Five advertising spots are available on a first come, first served basis;
  • Ad size/specs must be 166 x 180 pixels and submitted as a jpeg file;
  • URL link must be submitted with ad;
  • The WPA leadership reserves the right to review content and/or disallow advertising;
  • Rates: $250/Quarter; discounts may apply when purchasing ad space for a duration longer than 3 months;
  • Receipt of ad artwork and payment are required to prior to activating ad online

Wisconsin Psychiatric Association | 563 Carter Court, Suite B | Kimberly, WI 54136

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