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  • 31 Jul 2024 10:25 AM | Maggie Gruennert (Administrator)

    Wisconsin Health News
    June 31, 2024

    State Superintendent Jill Underly on Tuesday called for additional investment in school mental health resources in light of asurvey showing students reporting significant challenges. 

    Fifty-nine percent of high school students said they experienced at least one mental health challenge during the prior 12 months, according to the survey conducted once every two years. 

    More than half reported anxiety, and one in three reported depression. About 21 percent reported non-suicidal self-harm. 

    LGBTQ+ and female students reported a disproportionate number of mental health challenges compared to others.

    Seventy-nine percent of LGBTQ+  students reported anxiety, while 63 percent reported depression. Forty percent reported considering suicide.

    Female students were twice as likely to harm themselves compared to male students. Sixty-seven percent reported anxiety, and 45 percent reported depression. 

    “Our kids are in immediate need of our collective help,” Underly said at a Tuesday press conference. 

    Data from the survey also show students report less sleep, worsened overall physical health and fewer supports at school and home. Alcohol, tobacco and other drug use declined. 

    The data comes from a survey administered in spring 2023 and includes responses from 1,882 Wisconsin students in 42 public, charter and alternative high schools
  • 5 Jun 2024 11:17 AM | Maggie Gruennert (Administrator)

    Regional centers will serve those with mental health and substance use needs

    Wisconsin has taken another step forward to help people with mental health and substance use emergencies with the opening of five crisis stabilization centers for adults. Crisis stabilization facilities support people who can't stay in their community safely, but don't need to be hospitalized. Funded by the Department of Health Services (DHS), the centers provide a dedicated location for this level of care for most counties.

    "Whether it's been declaring 2023 the Year of Mental Health, securing new investments for school-based mental health and other initiatives, or supporting the launch of the state's 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline contact center, we've been working to find solutions to the burgeoning mental health crisis facing our state since 2019," said Gov. Tony Evers. "This includes bolstering our state's crisis care infrastructure so that folks can access the care and support they need when and where they need it—especially in an emergency. While the opening of these new facilities is a tremendous step forward, we know there's far more to do, and we're committed to building on these efforts to ensure every Wisconsinite has access to mental and behavioral health care regardless of their ZIP code."

    "The need for services for people experiencing mental health and substance use emergencies has been rising steadily over the past several years," said DHS Secretary-designee Kirsten Johnson. "Our investment in these five crisis stabilization facilities for adults is a commitment to ensuring the right care is available at the right time in the right place for all state residents who need help."

    DHS set aside $10 million in 2021 to support the development of five crisis stabilization facilities for adults, with each location serving multiple counties. The funding is part of Wisconsin's share of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds reserved for mental health and substance use services. Today's announcement represents the work of four providers who each received a share of the funding in 2022 to establish these home-like centers. The services areas are based on partnerships the providers have set up with county agencies providing mental health and substance use services.

    Read More

  • 20 May 2024 11:38 AM | Maggie Gruennert (Administrator)

    WPA Signed a Letter of support for Wisconsin Opioid Overdose Response Center Funding; View the full letter here

    The Wisconsin Opioid Overdose Response Center will focus on a systematic effort to build a sustainable and resilient community pharmacy-centric infrastructure that can change the trajectory of the opioid epidemic in communities across Wisconsin. The proposed center has four specific public service goals that focus on education and outreach.

    Goal #1 – Establish a pharmacy-focused center at UW-Madison that is capable of developing, implementing, and communicating successful strategies to combat the opioid and fentanyl crisis in Wisconsin.

    Goal #2 – Increase patient access to evidence-based treatments for opioid use disorder and opioid overdose through expansion of community pharmacy-based services in Wisconsin.

    Goal #3 – Increase the capacity of pharmacies and pharmacists in Wisconsin to access and deploy evidence-based educational materials and programs focused on opioid misuse and overdose risk mitigation strategies.

    Goal #4 – Develop new technologies suitable for use by Wisconsin pharmacists and pharmacies to prevent overdose from existing and emerging synthetic opioid molecules.

    To achieve these goals, the center will establish a distributed Wisconsin Opioid Overdose Pharmacy Resource Network involving patients, prescribers, veterans, and community leaders from across the state, beginning with partners that include the Wisconsin Psychiatry Association. Working closely with network members, we will leverage our expertise to optimize use of existing tools and develop the next generation of approaches used to combat fentanyl and synthetic opioid overdoses, and to deliver these interventions to citizens across the state through community pharmacies.

    Efforts to scale our educational and outreach initiative across multiple sites within an improved resource network will both immediately support community efforts to adopt pharmacy-centric evidence-based interventions that deliver MOUDs to individuals not otherwise being reached, disseminate fentanyl specific prevention and treatment services, and build toward long-term resilience by creating conditions and the infrastructure to enable rapid uptake of new detection and overdose reversal approaches

  • 28 Feb 2024 3:48 PM | Maggie Gruennert (Administrator)

    Senate Bill 145 – the “APRN bill” - has again passed both houses of the legislature without reasonable compromise and STILL LACKING important patient safety standards.

    Far beyond licensure, this bill expands scope of practice, codifies it in state statute and eliminates physician collaboration requirements for nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetists, nurse midwives, and clinical nurse specialists in the current law.

    Sadly, the bill is still lacking the clinical training and guardrails on independent practice that WPA, the WI Medical Society, and many other physician groups have been fighting to include.

    Our last hope to stop this troubling law from being enacted in Wisconsin is another veto by Governor Tony Evers.

    This bill disrupts the cooperative and collaborative team-based model of health care that makes Wisconsin a leader in patient care and will result in a systemic shift in patient care and healthcare delivery in Wisconsin.

    Your advocacy is needed now! We ask you to contact Governor Tony Evers using this form and ask him to veto SB 145

    Urge Governor Evers to Veto SB 145

  • 29 Jan 2024 4:13 PM | Maggie Gruennert (Administrator)

    Written by Kathy Russeth, MD

    As a physician deeply invested in organizational ethics and the dynamics of physicians in the workplace, I reflected on the implications of Dr. Neil Berman's article ‘A Reason to Retire?’ (Berman 2023). He takes us through his career and discusses changes in his perspective, defenses, and physician-patient relationships as he approaches the latter stages of his career. The title, posed as a question, provokes an unsettled feeling. Berman seems to suggest, albeit indirectly, that growing empathy might inversely correlate with a physician’s ability to function effectively within the healthcare system, potentially marking a time for transition.

    Separating personal growth from changes in the medical field, and considering the former problematic without fully delineating issues with the latter, is problematic. Yes, Dr. Berman touches on these factors, citing long working hours, increasing administrative burden, and rising caseloads,” but he does not go far enough. When the maintenance of distance from patients is seen as necessary for function or when intellectualization is seen as the way to maintain objectivity, something is wrong with the expectations in medicine.

    Physicians can rely on their extensive medical knowledge, diagnostic skills, and evidence-based decision-making even in moments of diminished empathy. However, empathy does not mean identifying too much” or that the physician must be  “as scared or as overwhelmed” as the patients are at any point. Feeling something real in a moment does not equal losing one’s cool head;” rather it can provide valuable insight into the patient’s experience.

    Empathy aids in finding ways to connect with patients, personalize care, and support treatment adherence. Empathy also helps to facilitate informed consent and shared decision-making, which are essential for best outcomes and true patient satisfaction (Fitzgerald 2018). Furthermore, empathy has the potential to deepen as clinical experience and wisdom accumulate over decades of practice. Rather than viewing the development of empathy as a burden, it should be recognized as a crucial and valuable contribution to the healthcare field.

    Loss of the professionals who have grown in empathy and connection represents not just a personal loss for the individual but a broader loss for the field, which benefits greatly from the balance of scientific acumen and compassionate care. Instead of viewing one’s increase in empathy and connection as a signal to exit the profession, this needs to be a signal that expectations within the medical field need to change.

    Heavy workloads have long been associated with burnout, emotional exhaustion and loss of empathy (Williams 2020). Increased demands require increased effort and resources, but rarely are those demands met with compensatory opportunities for recuperation. Depersonalization, emotional distancing, and other defenses are coping strategies to conserve resources and deal with exhaustion (DiGuiseppe 2021). However, this is not optimal and should not be looked to as the ideal or the solution. The challenges in managing heavy workloads, with high demands and diminished resources, are not the personal failings of physicians. These are structural and operational issues within healthcare systems that require urgent addressing. 

    Healthcare systems have always been challenged, particularly in fitting a humanistic service industry into a business model. The expectations for efficiency in the healthcare system are overt and regularly reinforced. They exploit healthcare employees’ natural tendencies to strive for excellence and do more for their patients and overshadow the humanistic aspects of medical care. This phenomenon, although significantly intensified during the pandemic, was present both before and continues past the acute COVID-19 crisis.

    The response by physicians and other healthcare professionals has been to leave medicine (Berg 2023). Whether one chooses to retire early, leave medicine for non-clinical pursuits, take on a more administrative role, or transition to private practice, to manage this distress, the real request is a more sustainable future. Even for those who stay, without effective resources and recuperation, the level of empathic care and ability to sustain employment becomes tenuous at best.

    Instead, we need to advocate for a system where empathy and human connection are valued as much as our clinical expertise. Adapting from successful models elsewhere, we can push for reforms that offer more autonomy, control over our work, workload management, and performance metrics that truly reflect quality of care. A sustainable and fulfilling career in medicine is still an achievable goal. However, this requires healthcare structures and systems that prioritize and safeguard the well-being of both patients and healthcare providers. Let us, as dedicated medical professionals, unite in this endeavor to shape a healthcare system that truly reflects our values and commitment to the well-being of all.

    Berg, S. The COVID-19 emergency’s over, but 1 in 2 doctors report burnout, AMA, June 23, 2023. Accessed https://www.ama-assn.org/practice-management/physician-health/covid-19-emergency-s-over-1-2-doctors-report-burnout

    Berman, N. “A Reason to Retire?” N Engl J Med 2023 Oct; 389:1354-1355. Accessed: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2306534

    DiGuiseppe, MD and Perry CJ. The Hierarchy of Defense Mechanisms: Assessing Defensive Functioning With the Defense Mechanisms, Front Psychol. 2021; 12: 718440. Accessed: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8555762/

    Fitzgerald-Yau N, and Egan J. Defense Styles Mediate the Association Between Empathy and Burnout Among Nurses. J Nero Meant Dis. 2018 Jul;206(7):555-561. Accessed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29905665/

    Williams ES, Rathert C. Buttigieg SC. “The Personal and Professional Consequences of Physician Burnout: A Systematic Review of the Literature”. Med Care Res Rev. 2020 Oct,77(5):371-386. Accessed https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31216940/

  • 20 Dec 2023 8:44 AM | Maggie Gruennert (Administrator)

    APA Area 4 Assembly Presents:
    4th Annual Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Program

    Reframing Anti-Black Racism and White Supremacy as Illness
    Guest Speaker: Dante D. King, MS, M. Ed, CHRM

    Saturday, January 13, 2024
    10am-12pm EST

    RSVP for Zoom Link: Eileen@themcgees.net 

  • 9 Nov 2023 9:19 AM | Maggie Gruennert (Administrator)

    APA/APAF Fellowships provide psychiatry residents with the experiential learning, training and professional development they need to be leaders in the field of psychiatry.

    In addition, APA/APAF Fellows get exclusive opportunities to be a part of APA leadership councils and network with APA members from around the country.

    Applications are now open, the deadline to apply is March 15, 2024

    Learn more & view open opportunities here

  • 10 Oct 2023 9:59 AM | Maggie Gruennert (Administrator)

    Analytic Candidate Sees Changes Afoot in Psychoanalysis

    Dr. Himanshu Agrawal, A psychoanalyst in training, is adamant that the cost of psychoanalytic treatment and training is a threat to the profession. Read more here. (featured on pages 9 & 12)

  • 29 Aug 2023 9:44 AM | Maggie Gruennert (Administrator)

    Congratulations to WPA Member, Steven Moffic, MD on receiving the Abraham Halpern Humanitarian Award from the American Association for Social Psychiatry, to be presented at the annual APA meeting next May in New York.  

    The Abraham L. Halpern Humanitarian Award is bestowed by the American Association for Social Psychiatry for extraordinary achievement in advancing human rights. Recipients have championed causes of importance directly or even indirectly to the best practice of psychiatric medicine. Advances in ethics and professionalism, medical education, civic action, reform of legal jurisprudence, significant advances in medical practice and/or treatment, leadership taken at a political, societal or cultural level – anywhere that one person’s efforts have made all the difference in the world and thereby contributed to improved mental health care and psychological wellness.

  • 14 Jun 2023 8:43 AM | Maggie Gruennert (Administrator)

    Wisconsin Health News; June 13, 2023

    Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., introduced legislation last week that would require federal surveys to collect information about sexual orientation and gender identity.

    Baldwin said the measure could prove critical in closing mental healthcare access gaps facing LGBTQ+ populations, who have disproportionate rates of self-harm and suicide. 

    “It’s hard to claim with great reliability how much greater risk gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender children and adults are at risk for suicide,” she said at Politico’s healthcare summit last week. “It is really important that we get that data because it helps us make our arguments for greater resources and greater services.”

    Baldwin touched on other healthcare topics at the summit too. While pleased the U.S. didn’t default thanks to a deal raising the debt-ceiling, she is concerned about its spending constraints. The new law provides “arguably level funding” for the next two years, and costs are set to rise, Baldwin noted. 

    “We are experiencing, as a nation, a mental health crisis,” she said. “Whether it's our ability to close healthcare disparities or fund basic research in cancer and Alzheimer's, I’m concerned about how we are going to rise to the challenges."

    She noted lawmakers are discussing supplemental funding.

    Baldwin also said filibuster reform is a “near-term goal,” saying legislation that would guarantee access to abortion would pass if it didn’t need to clear a 60-vote threshold. 

    “We have half the nation with fewer rights than their parents and grandparents had,” she said. “We have to have the goal of having sufficient votes in the United States Senate to reform the filibuster, followed on by passing this legislation.”

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Wisconsin Psychiatric Association
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