Gabriella Hangiandreou, MD | Board certified in General Psychiatry and Child/Adolescent Psychiatry, I started in direct practice in a Community Mental Health setting, but shifted in 2010 to a main focus on Consultative/Collaborative care of pediatric patients with their Primary Care Providers. I am a Distinguished Fellow of both the American Psychiatric Association and the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, serving as Past President of the Northern Region of the Wisconsin Psychiatric Association (WPA) (2016-2023) and currently as Councilor-at-Large (2023-present), as well as Past President of the Wisconsin Council of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (WISCCAP) (2018-2020) and currently as Assembly Representative to AACAP (2022-present). Additionally, I have served on the Board of Directors for NAMI Northwoods since 2022. My passions include advocating for children’s rights to a safe and healthy childhood, teaching (medical students, psychiatry residents, child/adolescent fellows, Primary Care Providers, community members), and stigma busting. |